MoQ Conference at Liverpool

The first official conference on the Metaphysics of Quality was held in Liverpool on 7th July 2005.
Interview with Robert Pirsig

Zen and the Art of Dialogue: Interview by Julian Baggini in The Philosophers Magazine Online exists to provide a forum for discussion and study of the Metaphysics of Quality as proposed by Robert M Pirsig in his books Lila: An Inquiry into Morals and Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance.

Versione Italiana


  Zen & the Art...
Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance
Lila - An Inquiry Into Morals
  Lila's Child
Lila's Child
  Zen Guidebook Guidebook to Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance

Site Last Updated:
20th February 2011

A New Pirsig WebLog

Meta-Q WebLog

A new weblog with some excellent MOQ essays and observations from author and editor Caryl Johnston.
This website comes highly recommended.

New Forum Essays

The Function of Form
Ron Kulp - November 08

The Levels Undressed
Magnus Berg - September 08

Clash of the Pragmatists
David Buchanan - December 06

If Not Global Capitalism - then What?
Chris Cook - January 06

Essay Reviews

A Reflection on David Morey's “Arthur Young and Pirsig: Can Young Help Us to Understand the Levels?”
Steve Hannon

A Review of Dr. Anthony McWatt's Essay
“Pirsig's Metaphysics of Quality”

Matt Kundert

Other Forum Essays

The Goal of Selflessness in Buddhist Philosophy
Mark Maxwell

Pirsig Institutionalized:
More Thoughts on Pirsig and Philosophology

Matt Kundert

Open Letter to New Participants
of the Discussion Groups

Matt Kundert

Other MOQ.ORG Areas

More about the MOQ

Visit the Forum to read reviews of Lila and ZMM, letters from Pirsig and more essays on the Metaphysics of Quality.

Frequently Asked Questions
How you can write to Pirsig, how to get answers to MOQ questions, how to pronounce LILA, how you can join our mailing lists and answers to all the other questions that we get asked all the time are in the FAQ.

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